Celebrating our past. Securing our future.
Join us on July 31st for our first ever Virtual Gala!
The Virtual Gala will feature wonderfully uplifting speakers and stories sharing the history of SikhNet for the last 25 years and envisioning the future.
Saturday, july 31, 2021
Seed the Future of SikhNet
The Gala will include a silent auction and a live auction with cool and unique Sikh related items and experiences (you won’t want to miss!), and there will be an opportunity to help us seed the future of SikhNet through
The SikhNet Forever Endowment.
Co-Hosts Reggie Rivers (Formerly a running back for the Denver Broncos) and Vishavjit Singh (Sikh Captain America) will be joined by Gurumustuk Singh, Guruka Singh, Ek Ong Kaar Kaur, Dya Singh and friends of SikhNet to present a heart-warming Virtual Gala experience. Join us for flashbacks, inspirational stories, kirtan and special guests.
The Gala will begin at 4pm PT / 5pm MT / 7pm ET and will last for approximately 1 hour. Registration is Free.
*To register, you will be creating a bidder account, no credit card is required.

Gurumustuk Singh, CEO & Founder
Keynote Speaker
Gurumustuk Singh founded the SikhNet website, from a hobby into a non-profit organization on Vaisakhi day (April 15th) in 1996. He lives with his wife, daughter, and son in Albuquerque, New Mexico and continues to develop the SikhNet website with the rest of the SikhNet team. He’s been recognized as one of the 100 most influencial Sikhs.

Vishavjit Singh, “Sikh Captain America”
Vishavjit Singh is the first turbaned and bearded editorial cartoonist in U.S who “fights” intolerance and challenges prejudices and stereotypes through his alter-ego as “Sikh Captain America.” By day he is a software analyst and by nights/weekends he creates turbanful Sikh cartoons that can be consumed at Sikhtoons.com.

Reggie Rivers, Broadcaster & Former NFL Player
Reggie Rivers is a professional broadcaster and motivational speaker working in Denver, Colorado. From 1991 to 1996, Rivers was a professional American football player who played running back for the Denver Broncos. Rivers played in every Broncos game during that span, scoring 8 touchdowns.

Guruka Singh, Inspirational Teacher
Guest Speaker
Guruka Singh is a teacher, writer and inveterate punster and teaches all over the world. He is the co-founder of the computer consulting firm Sun & Son, worked as Senior Producer at a major entertainment software company and served as the former C.E.O. of SikhNet. He is well known worldwide through his many “Inspirations” videos on SikhNet and Youtube

Ek Ong Kaar Kaur, Inspirational Teacher
Guest Speaker
Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa converted to Sikh Dharma at age 30. She graduated from Rice University in Asian Studies, with a concentration in English Literature. This lead to a scholarship in China, exploring issues of translation with sacred texts. She began translating the writings of the Sikh Gurus into English. She also is a teacher of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma and has published poetic translations of the Japji Sahib, Anand Sahib and Sukhmani Sahib.

Dya Singh, World Renowned Sikh Musician & Author
Guest Speaker & Kirtan
Dya Singh heads one of the foremost ‘world’ music groups in Australia named after him and has six albums in seven short years. He has twice been awarded ‘Instrumentalist of the year’ by SAMIA (South Australian Music Industry awards). The group has twice been nominated ‘World Music Group of the year’ winning it once and are highly acclaimed by both Sikh and alternative mainstream audiences.
What is an Endowment?
An Endowment Fund starts with people like you making a donation to a cause they care about. This money is safely invested and grows slowly over time, securing the future of SikhNet for the next 25+ years.
Flashbacks & Best of SikhNet

Celebrating flashbacks and the “Best of SikhNet” over the last 25 years. Walk with us down memory lane as we revisit some of SikhNet’s most popular videos, most historic articles, and 25 years of inspiration.
Best of SikhNet Articles
News & Lifestyle
Over 1 Million People from 50+ countries read the articles and news stories that SikhNet share on a regular basis.
SikhNet features original articles from our volunteer staff of over 20 contributing writers along with daily news stories gathered from around the world by our news editors. Keep up-to-date on all things Sikh-related and enjoy in-depth journalism along with thought-provoking original essays and posts every day.
news & lifestyle
Editor’s Pick

Ecological Concerns in Siri Guru Granth Sahib
This article is a paradigm shifting discussion about the centrality of nature with God and the implications of this in our lives especially as Sikhs.

Mecca Qazi Turned Sikh Shaheed
This look at the universality of Sikhi is both humbling and inspiring as we hear the story of a brave Muslim who faced death but would not renounce Guru Nanak.

When Sikhs Demonstrated for Martin Luther King
This article eloquently details how American Sikhs participated in an important remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Bhai Jagraj's Secret: Mother Waheguru
A personal experience and perspective on the beloved modern Bhai of Basics of Sikhi, as well as an intimate encounter Jagraj Singh had with the Divine.

Mixed Marriages and Anand Karaj?
Is it okay for a non-Sikh to be married to a Sikh in the Gurdwara? The liberal camp says “yes,” while the conservative side says only two Sikhs can perform the Anand Karaj.

Guru Nanak and Modern Science
This article highlights the compatibility of Guru Nanak’s teachings with science by showing the similarity of Gurbani to quotes from scientists.

"She sings inside!"
This is the remarkable story of the first westerners, and first woman, to sing at the Golden Temple.

Sikhism Recognized in Chile
Chile has over 200 legally recognized spiritual paths. But until January 25th 2016, the Sikh religion was not one of them.

Three Pillars for a Fulfilled Life
This essential purpose of fulfillment is becoming the primary preoccupation of every conscientious person.
Sikhnet deserves the real credit for bringing the hukamnama and Sikh literary materials to millions of people which people wholeheartedly obeyed and brought into their lives.
Parminder Singh, SikhNet Learning Center
Join Us
RSVP for the Virtual Gala!
Be inspired and uplifted – plus you’ll get access to SikhNet’s online silent auction (starting mid-July) to bid on unique and cool Sikh-related items, and help seed The SikhNet FOREVER Endowment.